2025 -2026 Pre-K Registration

We are accepting registration to reserve a spot in our 2025-2026 Pre-K class starting August 4, 2025. Weekly tuition rates are found here. Requirements for registration:

  • Your child must be 4 years old by August 31. If your child will not be 4 years old at that time you can talk to us to see if we will have room in our preschool class. If you have any questions email us at info@gwgrace.com.
  • Your child must be toilet trained and independent on managing their toileting.
  • Your child must be able to participate in activities without requiring 1:1 staff supervision.

How to register:
1. Fill out the form on this page.

2. You will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours letting you know whether your desired days of attendance are available. If they are not available we will let you know what availability we have left.

3. Payment instructions will be included in your confirmation email. You will have 24 hours to make the payment. The payment holds your spot so if it is not made in 24 hours we will release the spot to another family and will not follow up with you unless you reach out to us.

4. Payment can be made by Apple Pay, Zelle, cash or check. No debit or credit cards accepted. These instructions will be included in the email you receive.

**Please keep in mind that all payments are non-refundable, even if you decide later that you do not want your child to attend after reserving your spot.**

  • If you want to do a tour before or after registering please call us at 520-251-5095 to schedule your tour.

 If you have any questions email us at info@gwgrace.com


For more information call 520-251-5095

Hours:  Monday-Friday, 7:00a-5:30p

Tours by appointment only

Pre-K Registration Form